IBHE researchers and External Relations staff developed the infographic using the state data tables from a report that was released by the National Student
Clearinghouse Research Center on February 27, 2018. (See citation and links below.)
College completion in the context of the referenced study was measured using an inclusive, student-centered approach. Completion was not only measured at
the student’s original postsecondary institution, but also at any institution to which a student may have transferred during the time horizon of the study. A
completion was operationalized as the attainment of any postsecondary award: certificates, associate’s degrees, and bachelor’s degrees alike. Completion, in
the context of the study, was measured within six academic years of initial enrollment and focused on new students initially enrolling during the fall semester
of 2011. It should be noted that the location of each student’s first institution was used to determine the state of origin and actual state residency was not
taken into consideration.
The completion metrics are calculated individually for three different sectors: four-year public institutions (public universities); four-year nonprofit
private institutions; and two-year public institutions (community colleges in Illinois). The completion rates are also calculated separately by gender
(male and female) and age at initial enrollment (20 and younger; 21-24; and 25 and greater). The IBHE infographic includes some findings specific to the
individuals in the 25 years old and greater category (adult learners).
In the referenced report and the accompanying state data tables, enrollment intensity was also taken into consideration and the completion outcomes
information was presented separately for exclusively full-time students (students maintaining full-time enrollment); exclusively part-time students; mixed
enrollment students or students who had some combination of full-time and part-time enrollment; and all students without regarding enrollment intensity.
The findings presented in the IBHE infographic included either all students or exclusively full-time students.
Shapiro, D., Dundar, A., Huie, F., Wakhungu, P., Yuan, X., Nathan, A & Bhimdiwala, A. (2018, February).
Completing College: A State-Level View of Student Completion Rates (Signature Report No. 14a). Herndon, VA: National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.