Beginning August 1, 2022, each institution of higher education is required to designate a member of staff to serve as a HOUSE liaison to homeless students. The designated staff member will be required to undergo annual training and collect certain data on the institution’s homeless population as part of this role. Below, IBHE includes links to the necessary training as well as links to other resources that may be beneficial to HOUSE liaisons.
The Higher Education Housing and Opportunities Act requires institutions to annually report to IBHE about the activities of the HOUSE Liaison and the number of homeless students and youth in care enrolled at each institution. This section includes all information relating to this requirement.
If you are a HOUSE Liaison that has not completed the mandatory training for AY 2024-2025, you must view the recorded training videos, complete and sign the training certification statement, and return in. If you represent a 4-year public or private college or university, return the certification statement to Ashley Lewis ( ). If you represent a community college, return the certification statement to ICCB ( ). The training must be completed and certification statement sent by October 31, 2024.
The Illinois of Board of Higher Education is offering a competitive grant opportunity to public and private, none-profit, independent four-year institutions in Illinois holding accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission. Deadline to apply is September 30, 2024 at 12pm.
RFP DocumentsHigher Education Housing and Opportunities Act
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
The College Cost Reduction and Access Act (PDF)
National Center for Homeless Education
Tips For Homeless Higher Education Liaisons (PDF)
Illinois-Specific Homeless Higher
Education Liaison Tips (PDF)
Tips for Helping Homeless Youth Succeed in College
Emergency Aid to Prevent Homelessness
Basic Needs Insecurity During the Pandemic (PDF)
DCFS: Post-Secondary Education Services
Mail Service for the Homeless
Applying for Post Office (P.O.) Box
Birth Certificate Request Form
Federal Student Aid and Homeless Youth
Unaccompanied Homeless
Youth Determinations | Knowledge Center
Inform Students about the FAFSA: Use This Email Template | SchoolHouse Connection
Don’t Forget the FAFSA: 5 Quick Tips for Liaisons | SchoolHouse Connection
FAFSA® Simplification Act Changes for Implementation in 2023-24 | Knowledge Center
How to Answer FAFSA Questions About Homelessness (