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Degree Granting College & Universities
Schools By Sector

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List of Schools by Sector

    ➤ Public Universities
    ➤ Community Colleges
    ➤ Independent Not-For-Profit Institutions
    ➤ Independent For-Profit Institutions
    ➤ Out of State
    ➤ Other

 Public Universities

    Chicago State University 

    Eastern Illinois University 

    Governors State University 

    Illinois State University 

    Northeastern Illinois University 

    Northern Illinois University 

    Southern Illinois University Carbondale 

    Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 

    University of Illinois Chicago 

    University of Illinois Springfield 

    University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign 

    Western Illinois University 

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 Community Colleges

    Black Hawk College 

    Carl Sandburg College 

    CCC - Harold Washington College 

    CCC - Harry S Truman College 

    CCC - Kennedy-King College 

    CCC - Malcolm X College 

    CCC - Olive-Harvey College 

    CCC - Richard J. Daley College 

    CCC - Wilbur Wright College 

    College of DuPage 

    College of Lake County 

    Danville Area Community College 

    Elgin Community College 

    Harper College 

    Heartland Community College 

    Highland Community College 

    Illinois Central College 

    Illinois Eastern - Frontier 

    Illinois Eastern - Lincoln Trail 

    Illinois Eastern - Olney Central 

    Illinois Eastern - Wabash Valley 

    Illinois Eastern District Office 

    Illinois Valley Community College 

    John A. Logan College 

    John Wood Community College 

    Joliet Junior College 

    Kankakee Community College 

    Kaskaskia College 

    Kishwaukee College 

    Lake Land College 

    Lewis & Clark Community College 

    Lincoln Land Community College 

    McHenry County College 

    Moraine Valley Community College 

    Morton College 

    Oakton Community College 

    Parkland College 

    Prairie State College 

    Rend Lake College 

    Richland Community College 

    Rock Valley College 

    Sauk Valley Community College 

    Shawnee Community College 

    South Suburban Coll. of Cook Co. 

    Southeastern Illinois College 

    Southwestern Illinois College 

    Spoon River College 

    Triton College 

    Waubonsee Community College 

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 Independent NFP Institutions

    Adler University 

    American Academy of Art 

    American Islamic College 

    Augustana College 

    Aurora University 

    Benedictine University 

    Bexley Hall Seabury Western Theological Seminary Federation 

    Blackburn College 

    Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing 

    Bradley University 

    Brisk Rabbinical College 

    CAAN Academy of Nursing 

    Catholic Theological Union 

    Chicago Baptist Institute 

    Chicago Theological Seminary 

    Christian Life College 

    Columbia College Chicago 

    Concordia University Chicago 

    Darul Qasim College 

    DePaul University 

    Dominican University 

    East-West University 

    Elmhurst University 

    Erikson Institute 

    Eureka College 

    Flashpoint, a campus of Columbia College Hollywood 

    Garrett - Evangelical Theological Seminary 

    Generations College 

    Graham Hospital School of Nursing 

    Greenville University 

    Hebrew Theological College 

    Illinois College 

    Illinois College of Optometry 

    Illinois Institute of Technology 

    Illinois Wesleyan University 

    Institute for Clinical Social Work 

    Instituto College 

    Judson University 

    Knox College 

    Lake Forest College 

    Lake Forest Graduate School of Mgmt. 

    Lakeview College of Nursing 

    Lewis University 

    Loyola University of Chicago 

    Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago 

    McCormick Theological Seminary 

    McKendree University 

    Meadville - Lombard Theo. School 

    Methodist College 

    Midwestern University 

    Millikin University 

    Monmouth College 

    Moody Bible Institute 

    Morrison Institute of Technology 

    National College of Naprapathic Medicine 

    National Louis University 

    National University of Health Sciences 

    North Central College 

    North Park University 

    Northern Baptist Theo. Seminary 

    NorthShore University HealthSystem School of Nurse Anesthesia 

    Northwestern Memorial Hospital 

    Northwestern University 

    Olivet Nazarene University 

    Principia College 

    Quincy University 

    Rockford University 

    Roosevelt University 

    Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science 

    Rush University 

    School of the Art Inst. Chicago 

    Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership 

    St. Anthony College of Nursing 

    St. Augustine College 

    St. Francis Medical Center College of Nursing 

    St. Johns College 

    St. Sava Serb. Orth. Sch. Theo. 

    St. Xavier University 

    Telshe Yeshiva 

    The Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis 

    Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago 

    Trinity Christian College 

    Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences 

    Trinity International University 

    Univ. of St. Mary of the Lake 

    University of Chicago 

    University of St. Francis 

    Urbana Theological Seminary 

    VanderCook College of Music 

    Walther Theological Seminary 

    Wheaton College 

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 Independent For-Profit Institutions

    Ambria College of Nursing 

    Chamberlain University 

    Chicago College of Oriental Medicine 

    DeVry University, Inc. 

    Fox College 

    Lincoln College of Technology 

    Midwestern Career College 

    Taylor Business Institute 

    Worsham College of Mortuary Science 

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 Out-of-State Institutions

    A.T.Still University 

    American InterContinental University System 

    Central Baptist Theological Seminary 

    Colorado Technical University (CO) 

    Columbia College (MO) 

    Concordia University (NE) 

    Cornell College 

    Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide (FL) 

    Ferris State Univ. (MI) 

    Franklin University (OH) 

    Grace College and Seminary 

    Indiana Institute of Technology 

    Indiana University 

    Johns Hopkins University 

    Logos Evangelical Seminary 

    Maryville University of St. Louis 

    Midwest College of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (WI) 

    Missouri Baptist University (MO) 

    Nova Southeastern University (FL) 

    Pacific College of Health and Science (CA) 

    Park University (MO) 

    Purdue University Global 

    Quiroga College 

    Rasmussen University 

    Relay Graduate School of Education 

    SAE Institute of Technology 

    Southeast Missouri State University 

    St. Louis University 

    St. Mary's University (MN) 

    Stautzenberger College-Rockford Career College 

    The Chicago School 

    Touro University Illinois 

    University of Nevada-Reno 

    University of Notre Dame (IN) 

    University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh 

    Upper Iowa University (IA) 

    Visible Music College 

    Westminster College (MO) 

    Wright Graduate School for the Realization of Human Potential 

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    Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy 

    Quad-Cities Graduate Study Ctr. 

    University Center of Lake County 

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