An effective and high-quality P-20 education pipeline provides Illinoisans with opportunities that prepare them for the jobs of the present and the future. Increasing the success of students at each stage of the P-20 pipeline while respecting and supporting the integrity of institutional and sector missions is part of the vision for Illinois as explained in The Illinois Public Agenda for College and Career Success, the master plan adopted by the Board of Higher Education.
Illinois needs to increase educational attainment to compete in the modern economy by matching the best-performing states. We can do this by increasing the success of students at each stage of the P-20 education pipeline to eliminate achievement gaps by race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, and disability. Two key strategies for postsecondary education are to (1) improve college readiness and (2) strengthen teacher and school leader quality.
For more information about the State’s vision and plan for higher education, see The Illinois Public Agenda for College and Career Success.
Illinois Board of Higher Education collaboration with Illinois State Board of Education (pdf) : May 2013
Illinois joined a coalition of states that have committed to an ambitious policy agenda designed to better prepare students for successful transitions from high school to postsecondary education and the contemporary workforce.
Board Endorses Participation (pdf) : August 2008
Dual Credit Quality Act (HB 1079) (pdf) : (sent to Governor on 6/11/2009)
The 2007 Task Force was “to objectively examine Illinois and national dual credit programs and make recommendations to improve student outcomes for dual credit programs throughout the state.” (HJR 36)
Illinois Dual Credit Task Force Report (pdf) : December 2008
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) establishes a partnership among the Office of the Governor, the Illinois State Board of Education, and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to develop and support State policies and programs that ensure Illinois students are prepared for college and work.
Gates MOU (pdf) : March 2007
The General Assembly finds that preparing Illinoisans for success in school and the workplace requires a continuum of quality education from preschool through graduate school.
Illinois P-20 Council statute (105 ILCS 5/22-45) (pdf)
Make sure you are ready for college by taking transitional high school courses in math and/or English or by taking more advanced high school courses like Advanced Placement or Dual Credit courses. These strategies help students avoid taking zero-credit development or remedial courses, which helps reduce college costs and increase the likelihood of completing a program in a reasonable time. Find out more here.
Transitional Math
Intended to attract students into high need teaching disciplines and facilitate the transfer of students desiring to become teachers in those disciplines into upper-division teacher education programs. Students obtaining an AAT degree in the identified shortage areas should have equal status with university native students at the beginning of the junior year.
List of Approved AAT Programs in Illinois (pdf) : Updated April 2010
Report (pdf)
Public Institutions (pdf)
Private Institutions (pdf)
Overview of Progress (pdf) : 2002-05
The Illinois School Leader Task Force was created by the General Assembly in 2007 to develop an action plan for strategically improving school leadership preparation in Illinois, based on, but not limited to, the measures detailed in the report of the Commission, School Leader Preparation: A Blueprint for Change, 2006.
Illinois School Leader (pdf)
Illinois School Leader Task Force Final Report (pdf) : February 2008
Illinois New Teacher Collaborative (INTC) coordinates a network of services and resources through a statewide partnership of individuals and groups concerned with or interested in attracting and retaining new teachers and enhancing their ability to promote student learning.
Introduction (pdf)
Final report of the Task Force on Teacher Preparation and Initial Professional Development entitled Improving Results: Transforming the Teaching Profession in Illinois.
Overview (pdf) : March 2004